Sunday 4 April 2010

365 Challenge Days 41- 43: 1-3 April 2010 - A Weekend Away

Thursday 1 April – Day 41
Spending Easter at the in-laws means a fair bit of travelling so we decided to stop in to see our eldest in Manchester while on our way to Somerset. Had lunch in a little spot called Gabriel’s Kitchen, on Upper Brook Street. If you’re in Manchester and looking for an informal spot of lunch it is worth seeking out – the food was outstanding. I had a delicious mezze, Marion an equally delicious mushroom bruschetta and the two girls mushroom soup. The chocolate brownie was to die for, and by all accounts the sponge cake (still warm from the oven) was worth every penny. Not that it was expensive – it was very reasonable – which makes it all the more enjoyable.
Decor was a little ‘off-the-wall’ in places – as this photo shows (don’t be misled by the beans – this little cafe is as far from a greasy spoon as you can get):
Friday 2nd April – Day 42
Shattered from the journey and the weather is foul so we have taken shelter indoors today. Fortunately youngest daughter is amenable to having a large camera shoved into her face, which resulted in this shot which I’m rather pleased with – and so was she - if the fact that she’s immediately adopted it as her Facebook photo is anything to go by. Pity about the ornament behind her head – I feel a photoshopping coming on when I get to a faster PC.
Going for a second photo today as I found the late evening sun catching this daffodil irresistible:
Saturday 3rd April – Day 43
Rain looked like it might ease off, and we were all going a bit stir crazy so we went to Wells for a stroll around today. Wells Cathedral is easily my favourite UK cathedral, so was naturally drawn inside (the foul weather made this an easier sell to everyone else). My favourite photographers trick in such places is to lie the camera on its back on the floor and use the self-timer to take photos of the ceiling – like this in fact:P4034146
It often gets weird looks from passers by, but I just love the effect ( and to be honest I quite like the weird looks too). This was taken between the scissor arches that support the central tower. Here’s another example from the Chapter House:

In both these examples the folding screen on he back of the camera was invaluable – before this great invention it was a bit pot luck as to how symmetrical the end result would be. These two needed only very minor adjustments to get the required results.

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