Monday, 29 November 2010

365/283: 29 November 2010: It’s hard on the birds

Delightful as it is to look at the weather gives our wilds birds a bad time. Have had quite a flock on my patio all day munching through the seed I’ve thrown out for them. These aren’t the greatest quality pictures, because they were taken through a less than optically perfect patio window, the light was poor and they move quite quickly (enough excuses – ed.) but I don’t often get the chance to get this close to yellowhammers or tree sparrows – so I’m gong to claim that the softness was deliberate as an artistic ploy.

First up then  - the yellowhammer. This ones a female – the males are much brighter.


And then the tree sparrow – rather dainty country cousin to the familiar house sparrow, or spuggie, (as it seems to be called in these here parts). Easy to spot the difference. It has a brown head patch (rather than grey) and a nice black cheek patch. Generally a lot rarer, but our garden seems to be a good spot for them.


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