Friday, 13 May 2011

1000/444: 10 May 2011: Art filters

1000/444 by nmonckton
1000/444 a photo by nmonckton on Flickr.

“In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun and 'snap', the job's a game.”

Why am I quoting Mary Poppins? Well, my new camera has some 'art filters' to add effects to my images. Now as a 'photographer' I feel I should disapprove of these as suitable only for point and shoots, but the smiple truth is they add a bit of fun...particularly the grainy black and white filter. Not sure about the pinhole camera effect - after all i spent some money to get a decent lens - why imitate a camera without one.

Whatever, photo a day is sometimes a chore - so it helps to spice it up - hence the quote.
"And every task you undertake, becomes a piece of cake "

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