Sunday, 22 May 2011

1000/456: 22 May 2011: International Biodiversity Day

1000/456 by nmonckton
1000/456 a photo by nmonckton on Flickr.

As you may have surmised from the title, today is International Biodiversity Day. Now until 2 days ago I didn't even know there was such a day - I didn't see any Biodiversity Day Cards in the shops, no chocolate pandas in the shop windows, and no little old men with ginger beards dressed as orang-utans giving away presents to small children in the local mall - but hey! perhaps I missed them.

Anyway to celebrate here's a picture of a tree sparrow - not exactly diverse as there's only one of them, so I've added some fungi below for good measure.

Happy Biodiversity Day everyone!


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